To the victory of:
Truth – Love – Justice
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News Flash
Current News topics
Live Chat with Ukraine
We had the opportunity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who…
Our Blog
Education in the Modern Era (by Ashutosh Gautam)
Since ancient times, education, in one way or another, has been the basis of human…
Student Corner
Why is the Indian Rupee Depreciating? (A Student’s Perspective)
The Indian rupee has been on a downward spiral, and today it hit a record low of 81.26 against the…
What’s Going On
Exciting New Sport: Ultimate Frisbee!
It was an exciting weekend on 3, 4 September. Ron sir created a relationship with UPAI…
get involved
Ultimate is Coming!! (Ultimate Players Association of India)
Ron sir is working hard with a few others to bring the exciting game of Ultimate (Frisbee) to…
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School Office Hours
Monday — Saturday 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Phone & Email
School Phone: 7693–910185
School Email: [email protected]