To the victory of:
Truth – Love – Justice

We have had the honour of serving and edu­cat­ing Nagod and the sur­round­ing village com­mu­ni­ties since 1985. The journey con­tin­ues into the future as we adjust and enhance your edu­ca­tional expe­ri­ence to meet the current needs of our day. Join us as we do our best to provide India with new gen­er­a­tions of awesome young­sters who grow to become quality adult cit­i­zens of our great country.

Latest News

Come to this pages to read current infor­ma­tion on school and com­mu­nity news.

News Flash

Ultimate! The Game of Sportsmanship and Equity

An excit­ing new sport has been intro­duced to our area by Ron sir. Ulti­mate Frisbee! He is a cer­ti­fied trainer with UPAI (Ulti­mate Players Asso­ci­a­tion of India) and is cre­at­ing several…

Current News topics

Our Blog

Student Corner

What’s Going On

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Welcome to our School Website 

Thank you for vis­it­ing our website. There’s lots of infor­ma­tion inside. Please take a look around the site for our history, vision, news, cal­en­dars, com­mu­nity activ­i­ties, and edi­to­r­ial blog posts.


School Office Hours

Monday — Sat­ur­day 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Phone & Email

School Phone: 7693–910185
School Email: [email protected]

Ward Number 2, Stuti Niwas, PO Nagod, Dis­trict Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India 48544