All News

We want our staff and stu­dents, friends and alumni, to come to this All News page to dis­cover impor­tant current hap­pen­ings in our school and Nagod com­mu­nity. We’ll update it often to keep you abreast of our current news­wor­thy infor­ma­tion (school & com­mu­nity cal­en­dars, exam dates & infor­ma­tion, hol­i­days, fes­ti­vals, school dress require­ments, and ways you can get involved or attend certain events)
Ultimate!  The Game of Sportsmanship and Equity

Ultimate! The Game of Sportsmanship and Equity

An excit­ing new sport has been intro­duced to our area by Ron sir. Ulti­mate Frisbee! He is a cer­ti­fied trainer with UPAI (Ulti­mate Players Asso­ci­a­tion of India) and is cre­at­ing several teams in our area.  Each team is com­prised of 12 players, but only 7 are on the field at one time.  And, impor­tantly, this is a “mixed” sport, which means that girls and boys are on the field at the same time in a ratio of either 4:3 or 3:4.…

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Exciting New Sport:  Ultimate Frisbee!

Exciting New Sport: Ultimate Frisbee!

It was an excit­ing weekend on 3, 4 Sep­tem­ber.  Ron sir created a rela­tion­ship with UPAI (India’s excit­ing National Ulti­mate Frisbee Team), and we had impact­ful train-the-trainer ses­sions with one of their top inter­na­tional players and coaches. VITS Uni­ver­sity did a great job of hosting the event, and we had several of our sports coaches be offi­cially trained in the sport by UPAI, which enables us to prop­erly train others in…

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Live Chat with Ukraine

Live Chat with Ukraine

We had the oppor­tu­nity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who is on the front lines in Ukraine, helping innocent…

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General Update

General Update

Welcome back to your school family.  We are family.  Slowly we are getting stu­dents back after their summer hol­i­days in their vil­lages.   Come soon.…

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Welcome back!

Welcome back!

A new school year has begun.  Let’s make it a great!  We are family.  Let’s treat each other, and our facil­ity, as we would our own families.…

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Term 5 Exam Schedule

Term 5 Exam Schedule

Term 5 Exam Sched­ule Copy Cor­rec­tion — 28 January • Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00 • Classes 3 — 5 come between 11:00 — 12:00 •…

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Our Director’s Birthday!

Our Director’s Birthday!

Today is our Direc­tor’s birth­day! (From our student edi­to­r­ial team, rep­re­sent­ing the larger student body) Dear Bade Sir, You are really a blessing…

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Our cricket team

Our cricket team

19 Nov Good luck (!) to cricket team aas they compete in Satna at the VITS tour­na­ment. Have a great time, and play hard.   We are proud of you.

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Welcome to our website! First, let me say a big “thank you” to our friend Matt in New Zealand for his effort and artistry in cre­at­ing this site for…

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School Website Editorial Team

School Website Editorial Team

On Sat­ur­day, October 23rd, there will be a manda­tory meeting for stu­dents who are on the website edi­to­r­ial team.  The time will be 12:00 p.m. We…

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