School News

This is where you come to read more in-depth details that are hap­pen­ing, whether it’s a school news item, exam par­tic­u­lars, special instruc­tions, and edi­to­r­ial posts from staff and students.

Latest news

This is where you go for a quick view of the upcom­ing events, exams, hol­i­days, etc

Current News Topics
Our Blog
Student Corner

Current News Topics

This is where you go to find more details on current news happenings.
Live Chat with Ukraine

Live Chat with Ukraine

We had the oppor­tu­nity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who is on the front lines in Ukraine, helping inno­cent civil­ians by bring­ing them food and offer­ing to take them to safety in shel­ters far from the danger of war zone. This is…

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General Update

General Update

Welcome back to your school family.  We are family.  Slowly we are getting stu­dents back after their summer hol­i­days in their vil­lages.   Come soon.  Don’t miss out on impor­tant teach­ing.  The first exams of the year are coming up quickly — the first weeks of August.…

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Memorial Service for our founder, Rebecca Shourie

Memorial Service for our founder, Rebecca Shourie

On Thurs­day, 7 April 2022, we paid tribute to our founder, our friend and teacher, our mother, Rebecca Shourie.  Many people came from across India and from over­seas.  Rebecca surely touched the hearts and lives of many people in her time on this earth.  She lived…

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Our Blog

This is where you go to read about school hap­pen­ings and general opin­ions from the view­point of a chosen staff member.
Education in the Modern Era (by Ashutosh Gautam)

Education in the Modern Era (by Ashutosh Gautam)

Since ancient times, edu­ca­tion, in one way or another, has been the basis of human devel­op­ment.  However, in modern times, the meaning of edu­ca­tion has changed dras­ti­cally.  The fore­most and fun­da­men­tal ques­tion upon us is “What is edu­ca­tion?”.  Is it limited to…

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Blogpost One:  “Impact of COVID-19 on Our Education”

Blogpost One: “Impact of COVID-19 on Our Education”

Impact of COVID-19 on Our Edu­ca­tion The COVID-19 pan­demic, caused by the novel coro­n­avirus SARS-Cov‑2 has changed the course of our life.  In this article, we will present our opinion that the lock­downs indeed had a few ancil­lary family, envi­ron­men­tal, and familial…

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Welcome to our website! First, let me say a big “thank you” to our friend Matt in New Zealand for his effort and artistry in cre­at­ing this site for us. Second, as a guest here in the heart of India (well, I guess I can’t say that I’m a guest any longer since I’ve been…

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Student Corner

This is where you go to read about school hap­pen­ings and general opin­ions from the view­point of our chosen school news­pa­per staff.