School News

This is where you come to read more in-depth details that are hap­pen­ing, whether it’s a school news item, exam par­tic­u­lars, special instruc­tions, and edi­to­r­ial posts from staff and students.

Latest news

This is where you go for a quick view of the upcom­ing events, exams, hol­i­days, etc

Current News Topics
General Update

General Update

Welcome back to your school family.  We are family.  Slowly we are getting…

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Our Blog
Student Corner

Current News Topics

This is where you go to find more details on current news happenings.
Term 5 Exam Schedule

Term 5 Exam Schedule

Term 5 Exam Sched­ule Copy Cor­rec­tion — 28 January • Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00 • Classes 3 — 5 come between 11:00 — 12:00 • Classes 6 — 8 come between 9:00 — 10:00 Copy Return — 31 January • Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00 • Classes 3 -…

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Our Director’s Birthday!

Our Director’s Birthday!

Today is our Direc­tor’s birth­day! (From our student edi­to­r­ial team, rep­re­sent­ing the larger student body) Dear Bade Sir, You are really a bless­ing from God to us.  You have been a role-model and inspi­ra­tion to us and the many thou­sands of stu­dents who have studied in…

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Our cricket team

Our cricket team

19 Nov Good luck (!) to cricket team aas they compete in Satna at the VITS tour­na­ment. Have a great time, and play hard.   We are proud of you.

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Our Blog

This is where you go to read about school hap­pen­ings and general opin­ions from the view­point of a chosen staff member.

Student Corner

This is where you go to read about school hap­pen­ings and general opin­ions from the view­point of our chosen school news­pa­per staff.
Online Shopping:  A Craze Among the Masses (but with what effect?)

Online Shopping: A Craze Among the Masses (but with what effect?)

Shop­ping has always been an activ­ity in which cus­tomers browse the shelves for avail­able goods or ser­vices at various phys­i­cal retail outlets — actual shops.  Since the begin­ning of known history, humans have directly exchanged goods and ser­vices with one another in…

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“Where Women are Respected, There Angels Will Reside”

“Where Women are Respected, There Angels Will Reside”

Finally, More Females than Males in India A recent census shows that there are remark­ably more females than males in India for the first time in over one thou­sand years! One of the most impor­tant struc­tural aspects of a society is the rel­a­tive number of males and…

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Today is the Birthday of Swami Vivekanand.

Today is the Birthday of Swami Vivekanand.

Swami Vivekanand: A Hero of Human­ity (by Sanjana Agrawal) Swami Vivekanand’s birth as Naren­dranath Dutta was an Indian monk, reformer, philoso­pher, and one of the most cel­e­brated spir­i­tual leaders of India.  He was an inspir­ing per­son­al­ity and is well known both in…

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