Ultimate is Coming!! (Ultimate Players Association of India)
Ron sir is working hard with a few others to bring the exciting game of Ultimate (Frisbee) to our state of Madhya Pradesh.
He is coordinating right now with sports coaches across MP to come to our very first training and certification event to be hosted at VITS University in Satna on 6&7 August.
Official, professional Ultimate players from India’s national team will be coming to train our sports coaches in this exciting sport that is present in many states around India, and globally. In fact, India took the bronze medal in 2018 at an international tournament in Europe.
The sport itself is groundbreaking for India because it goes beyond athleticism and promotes mixed-gender competition (promoting high-quality women’s sports), self-governance (honesty, truthfulness, fair play, maturity, proper gamesmanship and morality, and self-control).
The sport is run by a fantastic team of professionals from across India. Their organization is called UPAI (Ultimate Players Association of India). www.indiaultimate.org
Soon, because of the hard work by Ron sir, VITS, Sajid sir, and other sports coaches across MP, we too will be able to participate in this sport by competing against each other from school-to-school, town-to-town, state-to-state, and the best will be accepted into India’s awesome national team to compete internationally.
So, lend your support by being excited and coming out to play this exciting sport. We are the first in MP! Let’s make our presence known across India as the best players athletically and especially morally.