Why is the Indian Rupee Depreciating? (A Student’s Perspective)

Why is the Indian Rupee Depreciating? (A Student’s Perspective)

The Indian rupee has been on a downward spiral, and today it hit a record low of 81.26 against the US dollar. The rupee is down nearly 6 per cent since January this year.

Union Finance Min­is­ter, Nirmala Sithara­man, recently said that the rupee is rel­a­tively better-placed than other global cur­ren­cies against the greenback.

The value of the Indian rupee to the US Dollar works on a demand and supply basis. If there is a higher demand for the US Dollar, the value of the Indian rupee depre­ci­ates, and vice-versa.  If a coun­try’s import is more than it’s export then this kind of con­di­tion takes place. The rupee’s fall these days is mainly due to high crude oil prices, a strong dollar over­seas, and foreign capital out­flows. As money flows out of India, the rupee-dollar exchange rate gets impacted, depre­ci­at­ing the rupee.

How does a weak rupee impact you and the economy?

Since India mostly depends on imports (includ­ing crude oil, metals, elec­tron­ics to name a few), the country makes pay­ments in US dollars. Now if the rupee is weak, it has to pay more for the same quan­tity of items. In such cases, the cost of raw mate­ri­als and pro­duc­tion goes up which gets passed on to the consumers.The falling rupee’s biggest impact is on infla­tion. The global crude prices have sus­tained at over $100 a barrel since Rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine in Feb­ru­ary this year. High oil prices and a weaker rupee will only add to infla­tion­ary pres­sures in the economy.

Last week, RBI Deputy Gov­er­nor, Michael D Patra, inter­vened and said, “We will stand for its sta­bil­ity and we are doing it. We are there in the market and we will not allow dis­or­derly move­ment of the rupee. We have no level in mind, but we will not allow jerky move­ment. That is for certain.”

Depre­ci­a­tion in the rupee does not only affect your foreign travel. It can also pinch your pocket with higher fuel prices, higher inter­est rates on your loans, and so on.  If the rupee con­tin­ues to depre­ci­ate, then to cover the economy, the RBI increases its repo rate due to which a common man’s loan inter­est increases. It also results in increase in petrol prices.  For example, if a taxi driver pur­chases petrol for ₹115 per litre one day, then after the rupee depre­ci­ates further,
he might get the same quan­tity of petrol for ₹120 per litre.

Article written by Shiv­ansh Agra­hari on behalf of the SNHS Student Website Team.

A Teacher’s Day Tribute:  An Homage to Our Teachers.  Our Guiding Lights.

A Teacher’s Day Tribute: An Homage to Our Teachers. Our Guiding Lights.

Teacher's Day 2022Teachers.  They the light of the world.

A beacon in the dark, and the hope that gives us strength to survive.  Teachers add value to our character and make us the ideal citizens to make a better country.  Teachers are the building blocks of our lives.  They are the ones who motivate the students to do better in every way.  Teachers are the builders of a better future.

The bond between a teacher and student is like a potter and the clay.  Teach­ers shape the life of the student by teach­ing them about broth­er­hood, kind­ness, and sim­plic­ity.   And stu­dents are the clay, who even­tu­ally become a vessel through the artis­tic and caring hands of the potter.

In whose memory is Teacher’s Day cel­e­brated, and why?  On the aus­pi­cious occa­sion of Dr. Rad­hakr­ish­nan’s birth­day, his stu­dents requested him to allow them to cel­e­brate his birth­day, but in reply Dr. Rad­hakr­ish­nan said that “The cel­e­bra­tion should not only be for me; I would feel proud if it would be a cel­e­bra­tion for all the teachers”.

Teacher’s Day was first celebrated in India on 5 September, 1962.

Once, Pt. Jawa­har­lal Nehru said that he has served his country in many capac­i­ties, so he is con­sid­ered as a great teacher.

How do we cel­e­brate Teacher’s Day at our school?  This day is one of the most mem­o­rable in the rela­tion­ship between teacher and student.  On this special occa­sion, we give choco­lates, gifts, cards, and espe­cially respect to our teach­ers.  We also orga­nize a party ded­i­cated to teach­ers.  That year’s Class 12 does all the plan­ning.  First, they go into every class and intro­duce their juniors to that year’s planned party, and they ask for funds from each student to help pay for the party.

Tra­di­tion­ally, the stu­dents orga­nize games for the teach­ers to play, and there is dancing, and some great food — all orga­nized by the Class 12 stu­dents.  It is a party for the stu­dents as well as the teach­ers because of all the mem­o­ries that are being created and shared from years of inter­ac­tions.  At the end of the party, the stu­dents give a “Thank You” speech, showing appre­ci­a­tion to the teach­ers for putting in years of effort into these balls of clay that will soon go off into the larger world.

Teachers are a precious gift who God has given to students.  Their impact on our lives goes beyond cost.

We, the stu­dents of our school, want to thank our teach­ers for always guiding us and showing us the right path for our life.   You always try your best, even in difficult

times and sit­u­a­tions, and you have high hopes for us.  We are blessed to have you in our lives, and we are grate­ful for you sharing your knowl­edge and life-wisdom and expe­ri­ence with us.  We will forever remem­ber our teach­ers because of the immen­sity of their con­tri­bu­tion to our life.

In Sanskrit, there is an auspicious mantra dedicated to teachers:  “Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Dev Maheshwara; Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Jasmai Shri, Gurney Mamah.”

Guru is truly rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva.  Parambrahma means eternal lord whose world is never being destroyed, that lord who had no day or night.  He creates, sus­tains knowl­edge, and destroys the weeds of ignorance.

The guru (the teacher) guides us and makes efforts to push us to the road of success.  We salute all of you great teachers.

Live Chat with Ukraine

Live Chat with Ukraine

We had the oppor­tu­nity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who is on the front lines in Ukraine, helping inno­cent civil­ians by bring­ing them food and offer­ing to take them to safety in shel­ters far from the danger of war zone.

This is a great way to educate our youth, by giving them these sorts of rare oppor­tu­ni­ties to under­stand other cul­tures, other con­cepts, world history, current events, applic­a­ble English lan­guage, and to sort through it all in order to for­mu­late their own opin­ions and world-views.

We thank Brad for taking the time to give our stu­dents a rare look into the life of someone who has decided to risk his own life in order to help others.

And, we thank our stu­dents for for­mu­lat­ing such poignant and rel­e­vant ques­tions.  The ques­tions drove right to the heart of the matter:

  • Why are you risking your life in order to help strangers in a dif­fer­ent country?
  • What brings you ful­fill­ment?  Doesn’t mate­r­ial pos­ses­sions and living a nice life give you ful­fill­ment?  Does helping others bring you fulfillment?
  • Why are you helping people when their own gov­ern­ment and their own people aren’t doing what you are doing?
  • Will this war remain as is, or will it gain momen­tum and become a major world war?
  • Are people there afraid of you?  Do they trust you?  How do you gain their trust?

It was a very unique and edu­ca­tional oppor­tu­nity for our stu­dents, and for Brad in Ukraine as well.

General Update

General Update

Welcome back to your school family.  We are family.  Slowly we are getting stu­dents back after their summer hol­i­days in their vil­lages.   Come soon.  Don’t miss out on impor­tant teach­ing.  The first exams of the year are coming up quickly — the first weeks of August.  Don’t delay in attend­ing classes and taking good notes.

Indian Parents, Indian Children:  A Modern Approach to Education and Career Paths

Indian Parents, Indian Children: A Modern Approach to Education and Career Paths

The bond shared between parents and chil­dren is some­thing which is very typical across cul­tures and is some­what inde­scrib­able.  Irre­spec­tive of every­thing, it is true that no one in this whole world loves and cares about chil­dren more than their parents.  But, par­ent­ing differs from family to family.  Indian parents have always believed in being over­pro­tec­tive of their chil­dren, which is a good thing most of the time, but this good men­tal­ity becomes over­done when parents absolutely control and dom­i­nate their chil­dren’s life at every stage.  The over-pos­ses­sive, con­trol­ling nature of Indian parents affects the chil­dren both pos­i­tively and negatively.

Within the Indian family struc­ture, chil­dren are raised with the under­stand that their parents know what’s best for them, and hence will be the sole author­ity that decides their future — edu­ca­tion and career.  The biggest problem with Indian parents is that they are not able to adapt their minds with the dynam­i­cally chang­ing world.  We are not saying all parents are like that, but espe­cially in rural India, many parents still don’t want to adapt their minds to modern approaches and methods.

Parents believe that “smart” kids should auto­mat­i­cally belong to the science and tech­nol­ogy field, while “average” kids should go for com­merce, and “below-average” kids can go for arts or sports.  In this modern world, this way of think­ing and plan­ning should no longer be hap­pen­ing.  It is called pigeon-holing when kids are pre­de­ter­mined by adults into career paths that they may not want to follow or feel are right for them.

One of the main reasons for this pre­de­ter­mi­na­tion and pigeon-holing is that parents believe that success is mea­sured by mate­ri­al­is­tic gains.  Money.  But, our new gen­er­a­tion is more con­cerned with making a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence in the world from our heart, and not judging every­thing by money, mate­ri­al­ism, and power.

India’s parents gen­er­ally do have an incli­na­tion towards encour­ag­ing their chil­dren obtain­ing a gov­ern­ment job.  Parents believe that there is more job-secu­rity, higher salary, less job-strain, and more respect in society for gov­ern­ment workers as com­pared to workers in other fields.  More­over, it seems that parents believe that getting a gov­ern­ment job is a smoother and easier path than the strug­gle of entre­pre­neuri­al­ism.   In India’s urban centers, this way of parental think­ing is chang­ing and adapt­ing to modern needs and dis­cov­er­ing what is newly avail­able to younger Indians now than in the past, but in rural sectors, the men­tal­ity still has not adapted and grown.

One reason that we believe parents do not support careers in the arts and sports is the uncer­tainty which the feel is asso­ci­ated with those careers.  Middle-class Indian parents think a child should go for grad­u­a­tion and post-grad­u­a­tion instead of going for pro­fes­sional sports, dance, music, or their own start-ups.

Our society has a mind-set that imposes unfair restric­tions on girls.  Girls still have to face a lot of hurdles whether it is about going to school, going out for studies, or for a career.  Even if a female grad­u­ates, some parents say, “What is the need of a job for you when we are here to fulfill all your needs”.  This neg­a­tive and restric­tive atti­tude towards girls is mostly seen in rural India, but we if are to move forward as a modern country, we need to erad­i­cate this men­tal­ity from our thinking.

Many exam­ples of dis­crim­i­na­tion exists between males and females, sons and daugh­ters in India.  There is undoubt­edly a pref­er­ence for sons over daugh­ters.  Some people don’t want to spend a rupee on girls’ edu­ca­tion because the parents think that the girls will anyway marry and go away to do house­hold chores in their in-laws’ house.  So, as the think­ing goes, “What’s the use of spend­ing time and money edu­cat­ing the girl-child?”

Addi­tion­ally, parents also face peer pres­sure from friends and family.  Parents are afraid of what people might say if they adopt a more modern men­tal­ity towards sup­port­ing their child’s inter­ests and per­sonal strengths.Parents tend to take a back seat with their girls because of the taunt­ing reac­tions of society and older cul­tural thinking.

Yet another reason which we believe neg­a­tively affects the men­tal­ity of parents in rural India is that they are simply not aware of the current pos­si­bil­i­ties, acces­si­bil­ity, and support for these new, modern career paths.  More­over, they believe that these modern career paths require a more expen­sive and risky invest­ment than the straight-forward, age-old career paths and ways of think­ing.  Parents feel they cannot take the risk of sup­port­ing their chil­dren’s desire to follow their heart and their own unique abil­i­ties, so they play it safe by retreat­ing into old ways of think­ing, which, we feel is pre­vent­ing rural India from advanc­ing towards moder­nity as it has in other parts of the world or in India’s urban centers.

Indeed, there are cost-effec­tive systems and ways of helping their chil­dren follow their unique gifts towards a mean­ing­ful career, but it may perhaps take many years for our parents to fully under­stand these path­ways.  Perhaps they don’t want to expend the effort or take the time to break out of the old mould. Instead of taking the risk, parents retreat into old think­ing and easier path­ways because they don’t want to adjust and adapt to the modern world.

In con­clu­sion, parents in rural areas of India must be made aware of the modern edu­ca­tion system and how the subject differ from each other.  The stu­dents must improve their capac­ity to lean new tech­nolo­gies and become mod­ern­ized with the current state of what is avail­able to them.  But they need the support of their parents to do this.

Stu­dents must con­vince their parents that fol­low­ing their heart and unique abil­i­ties is a viable and actual path forward.  Living a “suc­cess­ful” life is pos­si­ble in modern times, but we must not con­tinue to be stuck in the old ways of think­ing and plan­ning.  Times have changed.  We are behind the times.  We must adjust and mod­ern­ize our think­ing, open our eyes and   minds.  India can only mod­ern­ize and improve to meet the future when our chil­dren are freed to become what they were meant to be.  Higher edu­ca­tion and mate­r­ial pos­ses­sions are not the only def­i­n­i­tions of “success”.  Times have changed.  The new gen­er­a­tion must be allowed to develop in their own way for the good of India.

Thank you for reading our article.

The Satya Niketan Higher Sec­ondary School Website Edi­to­r­ial Team and Student Leadership.

(The views expressed in this article are not nec­es­sar­ily the same as the school man­age­ment.  These are the views of the stu­dents, and we support free speech and open opin­ions for discussion)



Memorial Service for our founder, Rebecca Shourie

Memorial Service for our founder, Rebecca Shourie

On Thurs­day, 7 April 2022, we paid tribute to our founder, our friend and teacher, our mother, Rebecca Shourie.  Many people came from across India and from over­seas.  Rebecca surely touched the hearts and lives of many people in her time on this earth.  She lived with passion and grace and yet held on to this life lightly, holding on to only God’s love with a tight grip.

Thank you to all our family, friends, stu­dents, and Nagod cit­i­zenry for attend­ing our tribute to Bade Ma’am both in person and vir­tu­ally and remotely (via the internet).

May we all live for God’s love and peace with each other, to create a solid com­mu­nity, a great town and country, full of cit­i­zens of integrity and love, peace and kindness.

Love and serve one another.