by Ron Hjertstedt | Aug 3, 2022 | Current News Topics, News Flash!, School News
We had the opportunity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who is on the front lines in Ukraine, helping innocent civilians by bringing them food and offering to take them to safety in shelters far from the danger of war zone.
This is a great way to educate our youth, by giving them these sorts of rare opportunities to understand other cultures, other concepts, world history, current events, applicable English language, and to sort through it all in order to formulate their own opinions and world-views.
We thank Brad for taking the time to give our students a rare look into the life of someone who has decided to risk his own life in order to help others.
And, we thank our students for formulating such poignant and relevant questions. The questions drove right to the heart of the matter:
- Why are you risking your life in order to help strangers in a different country?
- What brings you fulfillment? Doesn’t material possessions and living a nice life give you fulfillment? Does helping others bring you fulfillment?
- Why are you helping people when their own government and their own people aren’t doing what you are doing?
- Will this war remain as is, or will it gain momentum and become a major world war?
- Are people there afraid of you? Do they trust you? How do you gain their trust?
It was a very unique and educational opportunity for our students, and for Brad in Ukraine as well.

by Ron Hjertstedt | Jun 30, 2022 | Current News Topics
Welcome back to your school family. We are family. Slowly we are getting students back after their summer holidays in their villages. Come soon. Don’t miss out on important teaching. The first exams of the year are coming up quickly — the first weeks of August. Don’t delay in attending classes and taking good notes.

by Ron Hjertstedt | Apr 9, 2022 | Current News Topics, News Flash!, School News
On Thursday, 7 April 2022, we paid tribute to our founder, our friend and teacher, our mother, Rebecca Shourie. Many people came from across India and from overseas. Rebecca surely touched the hearts and lives of many people in her time on this earth. She lived with passion and grace and yet held on to this life lightly, holding on to only God’s love with a tight grip.
Thank you to all our family, friends, students, and Nagod citizenry for attending our tribute to Bade Ma’am both in person and virtually and remotely (via the internet).
May we all live for God’s love and peace with each other, to create a solid community, a great town and country, full of citizens of integrity and love, peace and kindness.
Love and serve one another.

by Ron Hjertstedt | Jan 27, 2022 | Current News Topics, News Flash!, School News
Term 5 Exam Schedule
Copy Correction — 28 January
• Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00
• Classes 3 — 5 come between 11:00 — 12:00
• Classes 6 — 8 come between 9:00 — 10:00
Copy Return — 31 January
• Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00
• Classes 3 — 5 come between 11:00 — 12:00
• Classes 6 — 8 come between 9:00 — 10:00
Test Copy Submission — 8 February (Classes 1–5)
• Classes 1 & 2 come between 10:00 — 11:00
• Classes 3 — 5 come between 11:00 — 12:00
Test Copy Submission — 9 February (Classes 6–8)
• Classes 6 — 8 come between 9:00 — 10:00
by Ron Hjertstedt | Nov 23, 2021 | Current News Topics, News Flash!, School News
Today is our Director’s birthday!
(From our student editorial team, representing the larger student body)
Dear Bade Sir,
You are really a blessing from God to us. You have been a role-model and inspiration to us and the many thousands of students who have studied in your school since 1985.
You are a person who not only teaches from books, but also provides us with life-lessons. You have shown us the importance of love, respect, honor, optimism, and self-respect.
You show us the right aisle whenever we rove. You encourage us to do something meaningful with our lives. Your personal experiences have also provided us with a unique educational perspective.
Truly, you are a great source of knowledge…and wisdom! Whatever we are is all because of you. Thank you for all that you are and everything you do.
We understand that being a teacher is, was, and will never be an easy job. However, you have done even more by treating us as a family and not just students, and that is a very rare thing indeed. We are privileged to have studied under you.
We are very thankful to you for serving our small town, giving us high quality education, and helping us to be aware of the world.
We, the student body of 2021/2022, and especially the website editorial team, wish you a very warm, prosperous, and healthy birthday and year ahead!
Sincerely.….your students.
by Ron Hjertstedt | Nov 19, 2021 | Current News Topics, News Flash!, School News
19 Nov
Good luck (!) to cricket team aas they compete in Satna at the VITS tournament.
Have a great time, and play hard. We are proud of you.