Career Counseling Opportunity — With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Career Counseling Opportunity — With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Over the last week, we’ve been dipping out toes into the pool of per­son­al­ity assess­ments and career coun­sel­ing.  Coin­ci­den­tally, in a stroke of good luck, we had a visitor come from the realm of multi­na­tional “big tech”, Jeevan sir, who hails from Ban­ga­lore, Chennai, and Goa.  He stopped in to talk to our website edi­to­r­ial team about his expe­ri­ences in India and on a multi­na­tional level, leading tech and sales teams abroad.  It was a great dia­logue that delved into the areas of career choice, per­sonal hap­pi­ness, self-respect, integrity, and knowing who you are as a person.

The student edi­to­r­ial lead­er­ship team com­mented, after spend­ing 1‑½ hours with Jeevan sir:   “We were so thank­ful that he took the time out to spend with us.   What he said to us was very impor­tant, and we all took it to heart.  The oppor­tu­nity was golden, and we took advan­tage of every moment with him.  It is our wish, as the “student edi­to­r­ial board”, that more of the stu­dents in our school will take advan­tage of these oppor­tu­ni­ties.  It can only help us.  The invest­ment of time gave us huge rewards.  Spend­ing time with Ron sir, taking the MBTI and other per­son­al­ity and career assess­ments, learn­ing how to prop­erly type on a com­puter key­board, and even learn the lan­guage of music are only making us stronger and wiser about the world.”

The 2021–22 Website Student Editorial Team

The 2021–22 Website Student Editorial Team

We welcome our very first “Student Website Editorial Team”!

Our team will be respon­si­ble for their own “Student Corner”, which is a section of the website ded­i­cated towards our stu­dents express­ing their views cre­atively through writing a weekly blog

Our aim is to provide a prac­ti­cal, quality avenue for skill-devel­op­ment in English, cre­ative writing, dis­cern­ment of current events, world-news, and a cohe­sive expres­sion of their opinions.


We also want to express our grat­i­tude towards Arushi Agrawal (from Daly College, Indore) for coming to help our student team develop the skills nec­es­sary for com­mu­ni­cat­ing their ideas and view­points via a weekly blog which will be posted in their very own “Student Corner” of the website.

Arushi has expe­ri­ence main­tain­ing the content of web­sites and blog­ging on a national level.  Her passion for good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and devel­op­ment of a solid world-view, and expres­sion and defense of it, will be very helpful to our student team because she can not only help to ignite a passion in them, but to give them prac­ti­cal guid­ance in shaping their com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills.

Thank you Arushi!

School Website Editorial Team

School Website Editorial Team

On Sat­ur­day, October 23rd, there will be a manda­tory meeting for stu­dents who are on the website edi­to­r­ial team.  The time will be 12:00 p.m.  We will be meeting with an expe­ri­enced website and blog edi­to­r­ial writer, Arushi Agrawal, who will help you create the best “Student Corner” website blog for our school.  She will help you form good ideas, com­mu­ni­cate them prop­erly, and encour­age you to be cre­ative and impact­ful young writers.