Career Counseling Opportunity โ€” With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Career Counseling Opportunity โ€” With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Over the last week, weโ€™ve been dipping out toes into the pool of perยญsonยญalยญity assessยญments and career counยญselยญing.  Coinยญciยญdenยญtally, in a stroke of good luck, we had a visitor come from the realm of multiยญnaยญtional โ€œbig techโ€, Jeevan sir, who hails from Banยญgaยญlore, Chennai, and Goa.  He stopped in to talk to our website ediยญtoยญrยญial team about his expeยญriยญences in India and on a multiยญnaยญtional level, leading tech and sales teams abroad.  It was a great diaยญlogue that delved into the areas of career choice, perยญsonal hapยญpiยญness, self-respect, integrity, and knowing who you are as a person.

The student ediยญtoยญrยญial leadยญerยญship team comยญmented, after spendยญing 1โ€‘ยฝ hours with Jeevan sir:   โ€œWe were so thankยญful that he took the time out to spend with us.   What he said to us was very imporยญtant, and we all took it to heart.  The opporยญtuยญnity was golden, and we took advanยญtage of every moment with him.  It is our wish, as the โ€œstudent ediยญtoยญrยญial boardโ€, that more of the stuยญdents in our school will take advanยญtage of these opporยญtuยญniยญties.  It can only help us.  The investยญment of time gave us huge rewards.  Spendยญing time with Ron sir, taking the MBTI and other perยญsonยญalยญity and career assessยญments, learnยญing how to propยญerly type on a comยญputer keyยญboard, and even learn the lanยญguage of music are only making us stronger and wiser about the world.โ€

Saying farewell to one of our cherished, longstanding teachers and friendsโ€ฆ

Saying farewell to one of our cherished, longstanding teachers and friendsโ€ฆ

Saying farewell to Sandhya Agrahari, who has been a longstanding and cherished teacher and friend to our school family.

You have impacted many stuยญdentsโ€™ lives over the course of your tenure here at SNHS.  We will miss you greatly. Best of luck on your new advenยญture!  May you conยญtinue to impact the lives of those whom you teach.

The 2021โ€“22 Website Student Editorial Team

The 2021โ€“22 Website Student Editorial Team

We welcome our very first โ€œStudent Website Editorial Teamโ€!

Our team will be responยญsiยญble for their own โ€œStudent Cornerโ€, which is a section of the website dedยญiยญcated towards our stuยญdents expressยญing their views creยญatively through writing a weekly blog

Our aim is to provide a pracยญtiยญcal, quality avenue for skill-develยญopยญment in English, creยญative writing, disยญcernยญment of current events, world-news, and a coheยญsive expresยญsion of their opinions.


We also want to express our gratยญiยญtude towards Arushi Agrawal (from Daly College, Indore) for coming to help our student team develop the skills necยญesยญsary for comยญmuยญniยญcatยญing their ideas and viewยญpoints via a weekly blog which will be posted in their very own โ€œStudent Cornerโ€ of the website.

Arushi has expeยญriยญence mainยญtainยญing the content of webยญsites and blogยญging on a national level.  Her passion for good comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion and develยญopยญment of a solid world-view, and expresยญsion and defense of it, will be very helpful to our student team because she can not only help to ignite a passion in them, but to give them pracยญtiยญcal guidยญance in shaping their comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion skills.

Thank you Arushi!

School Website Editorial Team

School Website Editorial Team

On Satยญurยญday, October 23rd, there will be a mandaยญtory meeting for stuยญdents who are on the website ediยญtoยญrยญial team.  The time will be 12:00 p.m.  We will be meeting with an expeยญriยญenced website and blog ediยญtoยญrยญial writer, Arushi Agrawal, who will help you create the best โ€œStudent Cornerโ€ website blog for our school.  She will help you form good ideas, comยญmuยญniยญcate them propยญerly, and encourยญage you to be creยญative and impactยญful young writers.