Education in the Modern Era (by Ashutosh Gautam)

Education in the Modern Era (by Ashutosh Gautam)

Since ancient times, edu­ca­tion, in one way or another, has been the basis of human devel­op­ment.  However, in modern times, the meaning of edu­ca­tion has changed dras­ti­cally.  The fore­most and fun­da­men­tal ques­tion upon us is “What is edu­ca­tion?”.  Is it limited to teach­ing chil­dren arith­metic, or does it go beyond that?

In my opinion, edu­ca­tion is an impor­tant tool with the help of which you (I say “you” because we are all edu­ca­tors in one way or another) can impact and develop the char­ac­ter of a human being in a for­mi­da­ble way.  That is why it becomes very impor­tant for us to not only provide an aca­d­e­mic edu­ca­tion, but to also impart good morals, values, and ethics to our stu­dents and chil­dren to ensure that India has solidly ethical and morally mature young­sters coming up through the pipeline to serve our country well in the future.  This is the need of the hour!  We must not delay.

If our desire is to erad­i­cate igno­rance from our society, it is then our respon­si­bil­ity to educate our chil­dren in such away that they can better under­stand their respon­si­bil­ity towards society and other human beings in a deeper way than aca­d­e­mics.  A more holis­tic approach is needed.  A care for the soul and the heart, not just the mind.

A bril­liant brain can unfold the mys­ter­ies of the uni­verse, but a caring heart can pave the way to God.

Thank you,

Ashutosh Gautam, Teacher of Senior High




Blogpost One:  “Impact of COVID-19 on Our Education”

Blogpost One: “Impact of COVID-19 on Our Education”

Impact of COVID-19 on Our Education

The COVID-19 pan­demic, caused by the novel coro­n­avirus SARS-Cov‑2 has changed the course of our life.  In this article, we will present our opinion that the lock­downs indeed had a few ancil­lary family, envi­ron­men­tal, and famil­ial ben­e­fits, but the neg­a­tive effects out­weighed the pos­i­tives and that a more careful approach should have been con­sid­ered before the wide­spread dis­rup­tion to the lives of the youth.

In order to reduce the spread of the virus, the gov­ern­ment has taken various pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures includ­ing a nation­wide lockdown.

A big concern of the pan­demic and result­ing lock­downs was how to con­tinue edu­cat­ing India’s stu­dents effec­tively while schools were manda­to­rily closed.  There were several sets of guide­lines and plans issued by the gov­ern­ment.  Due to school clo­sures, there was a need to adopt a change in our edu­ca­tional system.  Online learn­ing was put into place, and the mantra was that edu­ca­tion would con­tinue at a dis­tance, via tech­nol­ogy, and that all would be good and the edu­ca­tion of stu­dents wouldn’t miss a beat.

Edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions made various efforts to reach stu­dents through various elec­tronic, imper­sonal means which were readily avail­able to wealth­ier fam­i­lies across the nation.  However, the poorest, and even many middle-class were hurt the most as they just didn’t have the resources to attend the online classes because they couldn’t obtain, or use effec­tively, the gadgets and tech­nol­ogy required for online classes.  

Many stu­dents fell through the cracks.

Ini­tially, stu­dents were really happy because of the the lock­down, and espe­cially of school clo­sures.  They were spend­ing their whole day playing games and watch­ing movies.  Nat­u­rally though, after a while the stu­dents became bored with this unusual twist in their daily rou­tines, and they real­ized that their old pre-pan­demic routine of coming to in-person school was much better than this new lax and elec­tronic lifestyle.  Stu­dents were waiting for the lock­downs to end so that they could become free again from the iso­la­tion and able to meet with their friends and attend in-person classes.

Every coin has two sides, and sim­i­larly, the lock­down also had both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive effects.  On the one hand, stu­dents had extra time to prepare for com­pet­i­tive exams and self-study.  They also had more quality time with family and learn­ing to concoct new activ­i­ties at home.  However, on the other hand, the closure of phys­i­cal schools forced stu­dents to do online learn­ing, which had many detri­men­tal effects in areas such as aca­d­e­mic per­for­mance, strain­ing of eye­sight from increased screen-time, mental health issues such as depres­sion, stress, anxiety, and frus­tra­tion from human alienation.

After facing this haz­ardous pan­demic, we realize that the offline mode of study is more ben­e­fi­cial and pro­duc­tive as com­pared to the virtual mode of study.  Offline classes pro­vides for direct inter­ac­tion between teach­ers and stu­dents, hence it pro­vides a health­ier envi­ron­ment for the student to flour­ish.  There­fore, in our con­clu­sion, despite the few bless­ings that came our way via the lock­down, overall, the lock­downs and school clo­sures were much more harmful  than ben­e­fi­cial.  The lock­downs gave us a better appre­ci­a­tion for our phys­i­cal learn­ing envi­ron­ment and inter­per­sonal inter­ac­tions, and we will hope­fully not take it for granted now that we’ve seen the neg­a­tive impact we’ve expe­ri­enced without it.

Thank you for reading our opinion.

The Student Website Edi­to­r­ial Team

*Dis­claimer:  This is the sole opinion of the Student Edi­to­r­ial Team and does not nec­es­sar­ily rep­re­sent the views of our school or teachers.

Our Director’s Birthday!

Our Director’s Birthday!

Today is our Director’s birthday!

(From our student edi­to­r­ial team, rep­re­sent­ing the larger student body)

Dear Bade Sir,

You are really a bless­ing from God to us.  You have been a role-model and inspi­ra­tion to us and the many thou­sands of stu­dents who have studied in your school since 1985.

You are a person who not only teaches from books, but also pro­vides us with life-lessons.  You have shown us the impor­tance of love, respect, honor, opti­mism, and self-respect.

You show us the right aisle when­ever we rove.  You encour­age us to do some­thing mean­ing­ful with our lives.  Your per­sonal expe­ri­ences have also pro­vided us with a unique edu­ca­tional perspective.

Truly, you are a great source of knowledge…and wisdom!  What­ever we are is all because of you.  Thank you for all that you are and every­thing you do.

We under­stand that being a teacher is, was, and will never be an easy job.  However, you have done even more by treat­ing us as a family and not just stu­dents, and that is a very rare thing indeed.  We are priv­i­leged to have studied under you.

We are very thank­ful to you for serving our small town, giving us high quality edu­ca­tion, and helping us to be aware of the world.

We, the student body of 2021/2022, and espe­cially the website edi­to­r­ial team, wish you a very warm, pros­per­ous, and healthy birth­day and year ahead!

Sincerely.….your stu­dents.

Career Counseling Opportunity — With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Career Counseling Opportunity — With Special Guest, Jeevan.

Over the last week, we’ve been dipping out toes into the pool of per­son­al­ity assess­ments and career coun­sel­ing.  Coin­ci­den­tally, in a stroke of good luck, we had a visitor come from the realm of multi­na­tional “big tech”, Jeevan sir, who hails from Ban­ga­lore, Chennai, and Goa.  He stopped in to talk to our website edi­to­r­ial team about his expe­ri­ences in India and on a multi­na­tional level, leading tech and sales teams abroad.  It was a great dia­logue that delved into the areas of career choice, per­sonal hap­pi­ness, self-respect, integrity, and knowing who you are as a person.

The student edi­to­r­ial lead­er­ship team com­mented, after spend­ing 1‑½ hours with Jeevan sir:   “We were so thank­ful that he took the time out to spend with us.   What he said to us was very impor­tant, and we all took it to heart.  The oppor­tu­nity was golden, and we took advan­tage of every moment with him.  It is our wish, as the “student edi­to­r­ial board”, that more of the stu­dents in our school will take advan­tage of these oppor­tu­ni­ties.  It can only help us.  The invest­ment of time gave us huge rewards.  Spend­ing time with Ron sir, taking the MBTI and other per­son­al­ity and career assess­ments, learn­ing how to prop­erly type on a com­puter key­board, and even learn the lan­guage of music are only making us stronger and wiser about the world.”