The 2021โ€“22 Website Student Editorial Team

The 2021โ€“22 Website Student Editorial Team

We welcome our very first โ€œStudent Website Editorial Teamโ€!

Our team will be responยญsiยญble for their own โ€œStudent Cornerโ€, which is a section of the website dedยญiยญcated towards our stuยญdents expressยญing their views creยญatively through writing a weekly blog

Our aim is to provide a pracยญtiยญcal, quality avenue for skill-develยญopยญment in English, creยญative writing, disยญcernยญment of current events, world-news, and a coheยญsive expresยญsion of their opinions.


We also want to express our gratยญiยญtude towards Arushi Agrawal (from Daly College, Indore) for coming to help our student team develop the skills necยญesยญsary for comยญmuยญniยญcatยญing their ideas and viewยญpoints via a weekly blog which will be posted in their very own โ€œStudent Cornerโ€ of the website.

Arushi has expeยญriยญence mainยญtainยญing the content of webยญsites and blogยญging on a national level.  Her passion for good comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion and develยญopยญment of a solid world-view, and expresยญsion and defense of it, will be very helpful to our student team because she can not only help to ignite a passion in them, but to give them pracยญtiยญcal guidยญance in shaping their comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion skills.

Thank you Arushi!



Welcome to our website!

First, let me say a big โ€œthank youโ€ to our friend Matt in New Zealand for his effort and artistry in creating this site for us.

Second, as a guest here in the heart of India (well, I guess I canโ€™t say that Iโ€™m a guest any longer since Iโ€™ve been here for nearly ten years, and Nagod has become my home just as much as Chicago or the Twin Cities), I want to express my heartยญfelt gratยญiยญtude to our stuยญdents, staff, and local folks for being so kind and welยญcomยญing of me.  I truly treaยญsure this state, this town, and this school.  I am deeply honored to be here amongst you.

My perยญsonal daily goal is to be a person who values, honors, and proยญmotes the local culture, which is so hisยญtoric and imporยญtant.  I do this by teachยญing our stuยญdents, in as quality a manner as I am able, to become excelยญlent citยญiยญzens of this great country by respectยญing each other, respectยญing nature and cleanยญliยญness, and respectยญing themยญselves and their own thinkยญing and behavior.

I believe in an eduยญcaยญtion that is vast:  encomยญpassยญing the areas of music, art, sports, truthยญful news exploยญration, expanยญsion of mulยญtiยญple vocabยญuยญlarยญies for self-expresยญsion and good comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion, and helping each other achieve all that we can be as indiยญvidยญuยญals and as a comยญmuยญnity.  My aim is to help our stuยญdents evolve and evoke their inner dreams into realยญiยญties, and help create quality pathยญways towards success through a quality eduยญcaยญtion that spans the world.  Stuยญdents with large minds that can traยญverse mulยญtiยญple counยญtries, mulยญtiยญple disยญciยญplines, with an appreยญciยญaยญtion and knowlยญedge of world history and world culยญtures will become solid world citยญiยญzens whose voices can be heard beyond Nagod and beyond India โ€” stuยญdents who will one day make India the world leader that it deserves to be.

Upon moving here, I noticed right away how wonยญderยญful the people are of this area.  The stuยญdents work hard and are polite.  They have many skills in music and athยญletยญics, art and dance, and scholasยญtic acaยญdยญeยญmic subยญjects.  But, what they need is a quality pathway forward upon which they can exerยญcise their skills and voices.  The talent is here; all it needs is proper culยญtiยญvaยญtion and encourยญageยญment, and to be taken seriously.

This is an excitยญing time to be here in Nagod.  I am thankยญful to be here playing a small part in making Nagod the best it can be through the eduยญcaยญtion of stuยญdents and young people.  To encourยญage them to appreยญciยญate their wonยญderยญful culture and history, and to show them other culยญtures through my expeยญriยญences and perยญsonal studies (in clasยญsiยญcal Western music, jazz, art, design, culiยญnary exploยญration, lanยญguage and vocabยญuยญlary, geogยญraยญphy, and nuances that only a person who has expeยญriยญenced first-hand) with the goal of widenยญing their minds and underยญstandยญing of the world at-large.

When one has a wide vision and knowlยญedge of the world, only then can they have a deep appreยญciยญaยญtion of the greatยญness of where their roots are.

Our website will be the hub of our comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion.  My goal, with our student ediยญtoยญrยญial team, is to keep our site updated daily with current school and civic events hapยญpenยญing around the local area.  I will promote special events, for example at Art Ichol (our local gem).  I will help promote and orgaยญnize ways for our stuยญdents to get involved as citยญiยญzens (for instance, in tree plantยญing, clean-up days, and healthยญcare events such as blood donaยญtion drives).

Iโ€™m proud to be a citizen of Nagod and I pledge to always do my best for our town.  Our school, Satya Niketan Higher Secยญondary, is here to help in many ways.  We work hard for quality, and we take the eduยญcaยญtion of stuยญdents to be a very high calling to which we are honored to serve.

Sincerely, and many thanks!.โ€ฆ.Ron (your local foreigner).

School Website Editorial Team

On Satยญurยญday, October 23rd, there will be a mandaยญtory meeting for stuยญdents who are on the website ediยญtoยญrยญial team.  The time will be 12:00 p.m.  We will be meeting with an expeยญriยญenced website and blog ediยญtoยญrยญial writer, Arushi Agrawal, who will help you create the best โ€œStudent Cornerโ€ website blog for our school.  She will help you form good ideas, comยญmuยญniยญcate them propยญerly, and encourยญage you to be creยญative and impactยญful young writers.