The 2021–22 Website Student Editorial Team

We welcome our very first “Student Website Editorial Team”!

Our team will be respon­si­ble for their own “Student Corner”, which is a section of the website ded­i­cated towards our stu­dents express­ing their views cre­atively through writing a weekly blog

Our aim is to provide a prac­ti­cal, quality avenue for skill-devel­op­ment in English, cre­ative writing, dis­cern­ment of current events, world-news, and a cohe­sive expres­sion of their opinions.


We also want to express our grat­i­tude towards Arushi Agrawal (from Daly College, Indore) for coming to help our student team develop the skills nec­es­sary for com­mu­ni­cat­ing their ideas and view­points via a weekly blog which will be posted in their very own “Student Corner” of the website.

Arushi has expe­ri­ence main­tain­ing the content of web­sites and blog­ging on a national level.  Her passion for good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and devel­op­ment of a solid world-view, and expres­sion and defense of it, will be very helpful to our student team because she can not only help to ignite a passion in them, but to give them prac­ti­cal guid­ance in shaping their com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills.

Thank you Arushi!