
Welcome to our website!

First, let me say a big “thank you” to our friend Matt in New Zealand for his effort and artistry in creating this site for us.

Second, as a guest here in the heart of India (well, I guess I can’t say that I’m a guest any longer since I’ve been here for nearly ten years, and Nagod has become my home just as much as Chicago or the Twin Cities), I want to express my heart­felt grat­i­tude to our stu­dents, staff, and local folks for being so kind and wel­com­ing of me.  I truly trea­sure this state, this town, and this school.  I am deeply honored to be here amongst you.

My per­sonal daily goal is to be a person who values, honors, and pro­motes the local culture, which is so his­toric and impor­tant.  I do this by teach­ing our stu­dents, in as quality a manner as I am able, to become excel­lent cit­i­zens of this great country by respect­ing each other, respect­ing nature and clean­li­ness, and respect­ing them­selves and their own think­ing and behavior.

I believe in an edu­ca­tion that is vast:  encom­pass­ing the areas of music, art, sports, truth­ful news explo­ration, expan­sion of mul­ti­ple vocab­u­lar­ies for self-expres­sion and good com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and helping each other achieve all that we can be as indi­vid­u­als and as a com­mu­nity.  My aim is to help our stu­dents evolve and evoke their inner dreams into real­i­ties, and help create quality path­ways towards success through a quality edu­ca­tion that spans the world.  Stu­dents with large minds that can tra­verse mul­ti­ple coun­tries, mul­ti­ple dis­ci­plines, with an appre­ci­a­tion and knowl­edge of world history and world cul­tures will become solid world cit­i­zens whose voices can be heard beyond Nagod and beyond India — stu­dents who will one day make India the world leader that it deserves to be.

Upon moving here, I noticed right away how won­der­ful the people are of this area.  The stu­dents work hard and are polite.  They have many skills in music and ath­let­ics, art and dance, and scholas­tic aca­d­e­mic sub­jects.  But, what they need is a quality pathway forward upon which they can exer­cise their skills and voices.  The talent is here; all it needs is proper cul­ti­va­tion and encour­age­ment, and to be taken seriously.

This is an excit­ing time to be here in Nagod.  I am thank­ful to be here playing a small part in making Nagod the best it can be through the edu­ca­tion of stu­dents and young people.  To encour­age them to appre­ci­ate their won­der­ful culture and history, and to show them other cul­tures through my expe­ri­ences and per­sonal studies (in clas­si­cal Western music, jazz, art, design, culi­nary explo­ration, lan­guage and vocab­u­lary, geog­ra­phy, and nuances that only a person who has expe­ri­enced first-hand) with the goal of widen­ing their minds and under­stand­ing of the world at-large.

When one has a wide vision and knowl­edge of the world, only then can they have a deep appre­ci­a­tion of the great­ness of where their roots are.

Our website will be the hub of our com­mu­ni­ca­tion.  My goal, with our student edi­to­r­ial team, is to keep our site updated daily with current school and civic events hap­pen­ing around the local area.  I will promote special events, for example at Art Ichol (our local gem).  I will help promote and orga­nize ways for our stu­dents to get involved as cit­i­zens (for instance, in tree plant­ing, clean-up days, and health­care events such as blood dona­tion drives).

I’m proud to be a citizen of Nagod and I pledge to always do my best for our town.  Our school, Satya Niketan Higher Sec­ondary, is here to help in many ways.  We work hard for quality, and we take the edu­ca­tion of stu­dents to be a very high calling to which we are honored to serve.

Sincerely, and many thanks!.….Ron (your local foreigner).